Companies we helped close deals with

What if you could be sure every relevant decision maker is aware of your offer?

Companies we helped close deals with

What if you could be sure every relevant decision maker is aware of your offer?

We grab the attention of 3000+ Dream Prospects a month by sending Cold Emails & crazy things in the mail to make sure your offer is seen, heard, and understood.

For only $1k/month

We grab the attention of 3000+ Dream Prospects a month by sending Cold Emails & crazy things in the mail to make sure your offer is seen, heard, and understood.

For only $1k/month

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We didn’t reinvent the wheel. Just went back to being human.

We didn’t reinvent the wheel. Just went back to being human.

Cold email has become synonymous with spam and for good reason

Lead gen agencies abuse underpaid offshore talent and automated tools to mass email 10k random contacts a month then charge you $4.5k/month or $200/call

While burning through your TAM and reputation

It doesn't have to be this way.

We build you long-term connections that begin on strong footing.

By going the extra mile to research every prospect and tailor each message to them


"Typically I never bother with sales people, but with all the effort you've put in, it would've been a crime to not hear you out"

-CEO of a $15M/YR Legal Firm

Join us on a call, we'll run you through all the crazy campaigns we ran in great detail

You're free to either steal them, or work with us.

Cold email has become synonymous with spam and for good reason

Lead gen agencies abuse underpaid offshore talent and automated tools to mass email 10k random contacts a month then charge you $4.5k/month or $200/call

While burning through your TAM and reputation

It doesn't have to be this way.

We build you long-term connections that begin on strong footing.

By going the extra mile to research every prospect and tailor each message to them


"Typically I never bother with sales people, but with all the effort you've put in, it would've been a crime to not hear you out"

-CEO of a $15M/YR Legal Firm

Join us on a call, we'll run you through all the crazy campaigns we ran in great detail

You're free to either steal them, or work with us.

100% Transparency
No hidden fees or setup costs

Fraction-less Onboarding
No meetings unless requested

Weekly Updates &
On Demand through Slack

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  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car


+$80K/Year in Revenue @ 35% Booking Rate

Our newest campaign!!

Our newest campaign!!


+$80K/YR Revenue
@ 35% Booking Rate

  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car

Aristotle - Some dude

Snowy - Founder & CEO

Hi! Thanks for making it this far. I could tell you a hundred things about us

But I'm more interested in listening to you and your story.

Who are you? What can you use help with?

And most importantly — How can I make your life somewhat better?

My goal is to increase your surface of luck. To help amplify your voice.

To distinguish your voice from all the noise surrounding.

Your competitors are all competing within the same channel, same methods.

We help you stand out from them and fatten your pipeline without burning your wallet

I'd love to hop on a call and share some ideas on how we might be able to do just that

See you then,

- Aristole, Co-Founder & CGO

Reach your dream clients

Without spending thousands on SDRs, tools, or vendors.

Book a Call

Hi, nice to meet you!

Aristotle - Some dude

Snowy - Founder & CEO

Reach your dream clients

Without spending thousands on SDRs, tools, or vendors.

Book a Call

Hi! Thanks for making it this far. I could tell you a hundred things about us

But I'm more interested in listening to you and your story.

Who are you? What can you use help with?

And most importantly — How can I make your life somewhat better?

My goal is to increase your surface of luck. To help amplify your voice.

To distinguish your voice from all the noise surrounding.

Your competitors are all competing within the same channel, same methods.

We help you stand out from them and fatten your pipeline without burning your wallet

I'd love to hop on a call and share some ideas on how we might be able to do just that

See you then,

- Aristole, Co-Founder & CGO

Hi, nice to meet you!

100% Transparency
No hidden fees or setup costs

Fraction-less Onboarding
No meetings unless requested

Weekly Updates &
On Demand through Slack

“It's the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy.

I bless the rising sun each day, and, as before, my heart sings to meet it, but now I love even more its setting, its long slanting rays and the soft, tender, gentle memories that come with them"

—― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

“It's the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy.

I bless the rising sun each day, and, as before, my heart sings to meet it, but now I love even more its setting, its long slanting rays and the soft, tender, gentle memories that come with them"

—― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov